Without this coating, fingerprints are easily imprinted on the surface of an object and are very difficult to remove, causing poor appearance and negatively affecting durability. Our Anti-Smudge coating creates a protective layer on the surface of an object to prevent the effects of fingerprint oils and dirt.
The uniquely blended Valgro STAYKLEAN XS-05 prevents tarnish, water stains for both oxide/tarnish and scale/deposit as well as fingerprint over metals surface too. The physical properties and chemical resistance of the crystal-clear thin film form strong bonds integrated with the surfaces, providing long-term protection. The non-yellowing film formed will suit the outdoor surfaces too.
Lotus leaves surface
Valgro introduce water repellent protective clear coat, our NeoNano series, the hydrophobic coating will repel the moisture/water by forming water bead over the surface that can be rolled out with the contaminant, it has similar quality as of Natural lotus leave surface that can roll out water droplets.
Acid resistance and alkaline resistance
Water and Humidity (Moisture) are the main reasons for the surface to deteriorate, Dust Deposit, lime Scale Staining, Rotting, Wearing, Corroding, Rusting, Oxidizing, looks ugly as algae, fungus, and mosses growth over it. This will lead to the not only cosmetically unwanted surface but also underperformed surfaces for what it has been designed for. To prevent such condition,
Our Anti-fingerprint coating also provides corrosion, acid, and alkaline resistance because it contains no chromium in its composition.
Technical Specification
- Architectural decoration
- Elevator decoration
- Escalator decoration
- Bathroom decoration
- Roof cladding
- Furniture
- luxury doors
- Auto revolving door
- wall decoration plate
- advertising name plate
- ceiling and cabinets
- kitchen equipment
- light industrial
- wine cabinet